I’ve heard a number of different stories about the origins of the Coca Cola cake. One was that Coca cola was promoted as an alternative to sugar during World War II. However, if it was hard to get sugar back then, I’m not sure it would have been easier to get Coca Cola.
Another story said that Coca Cola wanted to expand into a newer market of baking in order to improve sales. That seems more likely. If you know the real story, please leave a comment.
Whatever the history, Coca Cola cakes are moist and delicious. They’ve always been really popular, especially in the South. I know that vintage Coca Cola cake recipes also used a little of the soft drink (and sometimes sea salt) in the frosting as well. Yum!
This recipe by the Six Sisters uses Coca Cola, cocoa, sugar, flour, eggs, buttermilk, marshmallows and more! It’s really a pretty easy cake to make and I can almost guarantee you and your family will love it!
To see the complete recipe, click on the Chocolate Coca Cola Cake link below.